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Total Papers Found: 3

Improvement of Soft Tooling Process Through Particle Reinforcement with Polyurethane Mould

In the soft tooling process for making moulds, polyurethane is often used as a flexible mould material. The low thermal conductivity of polyurethane results in a long solidification time of the wax/plastic pattern produced in the soft tooling process. In an effort to address this issue, the authors of this article have added highly conductive fillers to polyurethane. The fillers used for this study were aluminum fine powder and ...

Author(s): ,

Composites of Sulfonated Polystyrene-block-Poly (ethylene-ran-butylene)-block-Polystyrene and Graphite-Polyoxometalate: Preparation, Thermal and Electrical Conductivity

Sulfonated polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene-ran-butylene)-block-polystyrene (SPSPB) was used as a polymer matrix to create polymeric nanocomposites using graphite (G) and graphite-polyoxometalate (G-POM) as fillers. It was found that the nanocomposites had higher thermal and electrical conductivities than SPSPB alone, and that both the thermal and the electrical conductivity increased with increasing filler concentration. At all filler contents tested, the SPSPB/G-POM had both a higher thermal conductivity and a higher electrical ...


Mechanical and thermo-physical properties of high-density polyethylene modified with talc

High-density polyethylene-talc-carbon black composites were prepared with varying amounts of talc to determine its effect on the thermo-physical properties of the composites. Carbon black was added in a content of 3.5 wt. % because it was previously determined that the mechanical properties of the composites were depreciated at higher loadings. It was found that the addition of talc enhanced the mechanical properties, as well as the thermal conductivity, and thermal diffusivity. The ...

Author(s): , , ,