Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 2

Thermal properties and moisture absorption of nanofillers-filled epoxy composite thin film for electronic application

The effects of the addition of three different fillers to a polymer matrix on the thermo-physical properties of the resulting composites were investigated by the authors. Boron nitride, synthetic diamond, and silicon nitride were used as the fillers (up to 2 vol. %), and it was found that their addition did increase the thermal conductivity relative to that of the pure epoxy matrix. Furthermore, it was determined that the thermal conductivities of ...

Author(s): , ,

A New Class of Opacified Monolithic Aerogels of Ultralow High-Temperature Thermal Conductivities

The main objective of this research project was to create a material with a very low thermal conductivity at high temperatures, for the conservation of energy in high temperature systems. To accomplish this goal, the researchers incorporated carbon nanofibers into the mesoporous network of monolithic aerogels, with up to a 20 wt.% through an accelerated-gelation sol-gel process. The synthesis process also involved the use of supercritical drying of the aerogels to ...

Author(s): , ,