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Recommended Papers for: Rubber

Total Papers Found: 4

Thermal Conductivity of Rubber Compounds Versus the State of Cure

This study focused on the influence of the state of curing on the thermal conductivity of the subsequent rubber compound. The TPS instrument was chosen to perform the measurements due to its fast test times and non destructive method of testing. Vulcanization rate was found to have a significant impact on the thermal conductivity of the product...

Author(s): , , ,

Effect of processing technique on the transport and mechanical properties of vapour grown carbon nanofibre/rubbery epoxy composites for electronic packaging applications

Electronics packaging is fast paced area of research as scientists work to keep up with the new demands of smaller, more powerful electronic devices. In this study, researchers looked at how the manufacturing technique used to create vapour grown carbon nanofiber  (VGCNF)/rubbery epoxy composites affects the thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of the final product. Samples were produced by one of three methods: mechanical mixing (MM), three-roll ...

Author(s): , ,

Dispersion and exfoliation of graphene in rubber by an ultrasonically-assisted latex mixing and in situ reduction process 

In this paper, natural rubber (NR)/graphene (GE) composites were prepared using an ultrasonically-assisted latex mixing and in situ reduction (ULMR) process. A thermal constants analyzer measured the thermal conductivity of the NR/GE composites using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that GE had a good thermal conductivity, and can be used as a thermal conductivity enhancer in polymers....

Author(s): , , , , ,

Thermophysical properties of styrene butadiene rubber filled with pine tree particles measured by the transient plane source technique

Using the transient plane source (TPS) technique, the effect of addition of pine tree particles to styrene butadiene rubber is studied. Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity and density were all investigated. Varying amounts of the pine tree filler particles were added to the polymer matrix in order to form composites. Increasing amounts of the pine tree filler resulted in higher thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity, with decreasing specific ...

Author(s): , ,