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Total Papers Found: 6

Thermophysical properties of launch complex 17 of the Cape Canaveral concrete

It is important to understand the thermophysical properties of concrete when it is quickly heated, such as at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. In this experiment, the transient plane source (TPS) method measured the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat of four concrete samples taken from the Launch Complex 17 at Cape Canaveral. The samples were measured from room temperature up to 300 °C over intervals of 50 °C. Results showed ...

Author(s): , ,

Assessment of hydrothermal performance by thermophysical characterization of a crimped glass wool building insulation

Insulation is a vital component in the construction industry, notably in this study, glass wool. Maximizing the hydrothermal performance of glass wool is key when dealing with water vapor, humidity and permeability. Although insulation does not generally come in contact with liquids, it is important to consider all outcomes, with likelihood of accidents occurring and the varying levels of workmanship. The transient technique was employed to thermally characterize glass wool ...


Theoretical and experimental investigation of a closed sorption thermal storage prototype using LiCl/water

Consolidated water sorbents with varying densities were prepared by adding expanded graphite treated with sulphuric acid to activated carbon-lithium chloride composites for use as a lab-scale prototype for thermal energy storage. The sorption reactor prototype that was designed was unable to reach the 1 kWh heat storage target. Further research will be done with the goal of developing a 15 kWh reactor which would be capable of meeting the heating demand of ...

Author(s): , ,

Soft magnetic moldable composites: Properties and applications 

Iron cores are important units of electromagnetic devices but lack the ability to be shaped into three-dimensional objects. Soft magnetic moldable composites (SM2C) are new materials that can possibly substitute iron cores because of their malleability. The aim of this study was to explore the physical and chemical properties of SM2Cs to determine their range of applications. The thermal conductivity of SM2Cs was measured using the transient ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Direct measurement of through-plane thermal conductivity of partially saturated fuel cell diffusion media

This thesis looked at the relationship between thermal conductivity and compression and saturation in three different fuel cell diffusion media (DM). The stress-strain relationship of the materials was investigated using an optical microscope, and thermal conductivity was measured by a thermal constants analyzer. A theoretical model of the maximum through-plane thermal conductivity was developed as a function of compression and saturation....
