Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: Mica

Total Papers Found: 2

Autoclaved aerated concrete: experimental evaluation of its thermal properties at high temperatures

This article studied the thermal conductivity of samples of autoclaved aerated concrete with various densities at high temperatures in order to produce data that could be used to assess and predict the performance of buildings during a fire. The mica sensor was employed for high temperature measurements. The values obtained by the authors experimentally were then compared against the reference values provided by national and international standards for high temperature ...

Author(s): ,

Recent developments and applications of the thermal constants analyser for measuring thermal transport properties of solids

When thermal conductivity and diffusivity are measured with a thermal constants analyzer, sensors of different designs are being used. Sensors are primarily made of nickel foil, arranged in a double spiral, sandwiched between two thin sheets of insulating material. For experiments between 30 and 450 K, the polyimide Kapton has been used as the insulating material. For experiments being performed at temperatures above 450 K, but below 1000 K, Mica can be used as ...
