Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: Interfacial Thermal Resistance

Total Papers Found: 3

Thermal conductivity and rheology behavior of aqueous nanofluids containing alumina and carbon nanotubes

Many conventional fluids have low thermal conductivities. Adding thermally conductive nanometer-sized particles to these fluids transforms them into thermally conductive nanofluids. In this study, the thermal conductivity of aqueous alumina and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) nanofluids was measured using the transient plane source (TPS) method with a thermal constants analyzer TPS. During each trial, 0.015 W of power were administered to each sample for two seconds. Results of the experiment showed ...

Author(s): , , ,

Effect of Graphene Layer Thickness and Mechanical Compliance on Interfacial Heat Flow and Thermal Conduction in Solid–Liquid Phase Change Materials

The thermal conductivities of paraffin-based composite phase change materials (PCMs) containing different types of graphene nanoparticles were determined using the transient plane source method. It was determined that the thermal conductivity was increased by the addition of the nanoparticles, and the enhancement was greater for composites containing larger, and stiffer nanoparticles....

Author(s): ,

Effect of carbon nanotube interfacial geometry on thermal transport in solid–liquid phase change materials

The thermal conductivities of four composite paraffin phase change materials (PCMs) containing embedded multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with varying dimensions were determined. The goals of this study were to investigate the interfacial thermal resistance between two MWCNTs, and to investigate the ballistic and diffusive components of the thermal resistance at the interface. It was found that the thermal conductivity of the composite PCMs increased with the diameter of the MWCNT ...

Author(s): ,