Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 3

Mesostructure and porosity effects on the thermal conductivity of additively manufactured interpenetrating phase composites

This article explored the relationship between structure and thermal conductivity in additively manufactured interpenetrating A356/316L stainless steel composites. The thermal conductivities were determined using the transient plane source (TPS) method. The thermal conductivity of a 43 vol% 316L composite was found to be 53 W/mK. This was a much lower value than what was predicted by the rule of mixtures approximation. This was believed to happen because residual porosity degrades ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Performance of biocomposites from surface modified regenerated cellulose fibers and lactic acid thermoset bioresin

In this study, researchers set out to test the performance of biocomposites reinforced with regenerated cellulose fibers and lactic acid thermoset bioresin. A difference in treatments was conducted as the cellulose fibers were surface treated with either silane or alkali. The main goal of this research was to improve the overall strength of the interactions at the fiber-matrix interface. Multiple strength tests, such as the tensile, flexural and impact strength ...

Author(s): , , ,

Numerical and experimental analysis of the thermal conductivity of metallic hollow sphere structures

Using the TPS method, the thermal conductivities of a variety of metallic hollow sphere structures (MHSS) were measured. The thermal conductivities were also calculated using Misnar's analytical model and compared to the experimental results, with good agreement between the two sets of data....

Author(s): , ,