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Recommended Papers for: bentonite

Total Papers Found: 2

An empirical model for the thermal conductivity of compacted bentonite and a bentonite–sand mixture

Compacted bentonite and a bentonite–sand mixture have been considered as a potential buffer material for nuclear waste stored underground. The effects of dry density, water content and sand fraction on the thermal conductivity of the mixtures were investigated via data collected with the transient line source technique. With those parameters known, a single expression for the thermal conductivity of the mixture ...

Author(s): , ,

Measurement on thermal conductivity of compacted GMZ001 bentonite

This article looks at GMZ deposits as a candidate for buffer material of high-level radioactive wastes (HLW) in china. A thermal analyzer was used to measure thermal conductivity of compacted GMZ001 bentonite using the transient plane source technique. Results found that for samples having the same weight percentage of dry and wet density, thermal conductivity increased as the water content increased....

Author(s): , ,