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Autoclaved aerated concrete: experimental evaluation of its thermal properties at high temperatures

This article studied the thermal conductivity of samples of autoclaved aerated concrete with various densities at high temperatures in order to produce data that could be used to assess and predict the performance of buildings during a fire. The mica sensor was employed for high temperature measurements. The values obtained by the authors experimentally were then compared against the reference values provided by national and international standards for high temperature ...

Author(s): ,

A combined finite-discrete element method for calculating the effective thermal conductivity of bio-aggregates based materials

This study used a two part process to create a system that would predict the thermal conductivity of insulated building materials containing plant materials. A finite-discrete element method was used to predict the thermal conductivity of a packed bed of sunflower pith, while a discrete element method was used to predict how aggregates would fill a volume element. These were used to predict the thermal conductivity of the heterogeneous volume. ...

Author(s): , , , , , ,