MP-1 with TPS Battery Package

Designed to accurately measure the thermophysical properties of cylinder and pouch type batteries. Test entire battery system or battery components.

  • Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat and thermal contact resistance
  • Anisotropic – directional properties
MP-1 with TPS<br />
Battery Package

Types of Batteries

Cylinder Type Batteries

Cylinder Type Batteries

Cylinder type batteries consist of sheets of anodes, separators and cathodes that are rolled into a cylinder shape and packed into a can.

The round shape maximizes strength and stability, making it one of the most popular batteries manufactured.

Cylinder Type Batteries
pouch battery

Prismatic - Pouch Batteries

pouch battery

Prismatic batteries consist of sheets of anodes, separators and cathodes that are rolled into a cylinder shape and packed into a cubic form.

Pouch batteries have similar construction sealed in a lightweight foil.

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Cylinder Type Batteries Testing Modules

The Transient Plane Source Battery Package includes the Specific Heat Module, 1-Dimensional Module and Anisotropic Module

Specific Heat Module

Specific heat capacity is measured with the TPS Specific Heat Module with a Cp Cell designed for cylinder shapes. A reference measurement is completed on an empty Cp cell, followed by a measurement with an inserted battery. Results are measured in Heat Capacity (J/K), Specific Heat (kJ/kg-K) and Volumetric Specific Heat (MJ/m³K).

Included with the Specific Heat Module for batteries is one standard cylinder Cp Cell, a TPS Sensor and Battery Insulation Block. Custom Cp Cells can also be developed for a wide range of battery sizes.

Empty Cp Cell Reference Setup

Cylinder (Type 21700) Battery Cp Cell Sample Setup

1 – Dimensional Module

The thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity are measured along the height of a cylinder with the 1-Dimensional (1-D) Module.

A TPS Sensor of similar diameter is set-up in a single-sided (asymmetric) configuration. Using the Battery Insulation Block, the battery is insulated to guard against lateral heat loss.

Included with the 1-D Module for batteries is one TPS Sensor and a Battery Insulation Block. Custom TPS sensors can also be developed for a wide range of battery sizes.

1-D Setup for Cylinder (Type 21700) Battery

1-D Setup using the Battery Block Insulation

Anisotropic Module

The thermal conductivity is measured along axial and radial directions.

A TPS sensor is set-up in a single-sided (asymmetric) configuration. The Battery Insulation Block provides known backing insulation for single-sided (asymmetric) configuration.

Anisotropic Set-up for Cylinder (Type 21700) Battery with Battery Insulation Block


Cylinder Batteries Diameter (mm)
TPS Modules
Temperature Range (°C)*
10 to 60
Specific Heat, 1-Dimensional, Anisotropic
Cylinder Cp Cell, TPS Sensor
-75 to 90
*Can be expanded 300 °C if required.

Prismatic - Pouch Batteries Testing Modules

Specific Heat Module - Pouch Batteries

Specific heat capacity is measured with the TPS Specific Heat Module with a Cp Cell designed for Prismatic – Pouch shapes. A reference measurement is completed on an empty Cp cell, followed by a measurement with an inserted battery. Results are measured in Heat Capacity (J/K), Specific Heat (kJ/kg-K) and Volumetric Specific Heat (MJ/m³K).

Included with the Specific Module for batteries is one standard Prismatic – Pouch Cp Cell, TPS Sensor. Custom Cp Cells can also be developed for a wide range of battery sizes.

Empty Cp Cell Reference Setup
Pouch Battery Cp Cell Sample Setup

1 – Dimensional Module – Prismatic

The Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity are measured along the height of a Prismatic – Pouch shapes with the 1-Dimensional (1-D) Module. 1-D Prismatic.

TPS Sensor of similar dimensions is set-up in single-sided (asymmetric) configuration.

Included with the 1-D Module for batteries is one TPS Sensor. Custom TPS diameter can also be developed for a wide range of battery sizes (up to 250 x 250 mm).

Anisotropic Module – Prismatic

The thermal conductivity is measured along axial and radial directions.

A TPS sensor can be set-up in the following configurations:

Single-sided (Asymmetric)

A TPS sensor is placed between the prismatic – pouch battery and known insulation backing.

Two-Sided (Symmetric)

A TPS sensor is placed between two pieces of the same prismatic – pouch battery.

Integrated (Pouch Only)

A graphic demonstrating the TPS sensor placed internally and sealed between similar layers inside the pouch battery.


Prismatic - Pouch Batteries Dimensions (mm)
TPS Modules
Temperature Range (°C)*
Up to 250 x 250
Specific Heat, 1-Dimensional, Anisotropic
Pouch Cp Cell, TPS Sensor
-75 to 90

*Can be expanded 300 °C if required.

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