Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, and Specific Heat Testing of Isotropic Material using MP-1 with Transient Plane Source (TPS)
Thermal Conductivity Test of Axially Conductive Material using MP-1 with Transient Plane Source. The TPS measures out-of-plane and in-plane thermal conductivity & thermal diffusivity with one measurement.
Thermal Conductivity Test of Radially Conductive Material using MP-1 with Transient Plane Source. The TPS measures in-plane and out-of-plane thermal conductivity & thermal diffusivity with one measurement.
Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, and Specific Heat Testing of Highly Conductive Sheet Material using Transient Plane Source.
The Thermtest MP-1 with Transient Plane Source (TPS) may be used in both two-sided and single-sided fashion. The simple set-up with backing insulation used in the single-sided measurement may be changed as required. This greatly reduces the complexity of the single-sided sensor.
One-Dimensional Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity testing of rod or core like samples using the MP-1 with Transient Plane Source.
Basic operations for thermal conductivity testing by Thermtest Heat Flow Meter (ASTM C518 • ISO 8301 • EN 12667).
Thermal Conductivity testing by Thermtest Heat Flow Meter (ASTM C518).
This is a demonstration using the TLS-100’s 50mm needle to test a solid sample.
TLS-100 thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity meter demonstrated using a sample of polymer.
TLS-100 thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity meter for soils. based on the ASTM D5334 standard, the TLS-100 offers an easy to use 1 button measurement of soils.
TLS-100 thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity meter for soils. based on the ASTM D5334 standard, the TLS-100 offers an easy to use 1 button measurement of soils.
Demonstration of the difference between absolute and calibrated measurements of thermal conductivity using transient thermal conductivity measurement techniques.
Demonstration of the importance for flexible test times for the measurement of thermal conductivity by transient measurement techniques.
Demonstration of the importance of having a variety of different sized transient thermal conductivity sensors to accurately measure the thermal conductivity of heterogonous samples.