Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: Transient

Total Papers Found: 2

Estimation of the thermal properties of hardened cement paste on the basis of guarded heat flow meter measurements

A new analysis method based on the guarded heat flow meter apparatus is proposed to measure the thermal properties of cement-based pastes in a hydrated form. In a steady state, a specimen with 0.4 water-to-cement ratio was found to have a thermal conductivity and a thermal contact resistance of 1.28Wm−1 K−1 and 0.038 m−2 KW−1. A computerized system of heat flow meters provided non-steady ...

Author(s): , ,

A review on modeling of the thermal conductivity of polymeric nanocomposites

This article is a review of the methods for measuring thermal conductivity including both steady state and transient methods. The article describes the experimental setup for each method, and it gives a brief description of the theory of each method. A review of models that have been developed for the prediction of thermal conductivity of polymeric nanocomposites is also presented....
