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Recommended Papers for: Sound Absorption Coefficient

Total Papers Found: 2

Innovant agromaterials formulated with flax shaves and proteinic binder: Process and characterization

Agro-composite materials were produced from flax shaves and the properties of these composites were determined experimentally. The structure and morphology of the composites was determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and their thermal conductivities were determined using the transient plane source method. These properties, as well as mechanical, hydric, and acoustic properties were determined as a function of the structure and size of the flax shaves....

Author(s): , , , , ,

Development of thermal insulating and sound absorbing agro-sourced materials from auto linked flax-tows

A rigid, self-supporting material derived from flax tow was prepared and its mechanical, thermal, hydrous, and acoustic properties were investigated. The study was performed to determine if this material would be a viable option for use as a biodegradable thermal and acoustic insulation in walls. The effect of flax-tow size after grinding on these properties was also investigated. It was determined that increasing the flax-tow size resulted in a reduction ...

Author(s): , , , , ,