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Recommended Papers for: Shear Stress

Total Papers Found: 2

Frictional heat from faulting of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake

The frictional heat produced by the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake was estimated by identifying a temperature anomaly that is present in a borehole drilled through a large slip region of the fault. The temperature rise was estimated by solving an equation representing one-dimensional thermal conduction in an infinite medium. In order to solve this equation, the thermal diffusivity of fracture zone materials were measured using the transient plane source technique. It ...

Author(s): , , , , , ,

Thermal and Rheological Properties of Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials

Microencapsulated phase change materials (MPCMs) are excellent materials for the storage of thermal energy, and through their dispersal into a carrier fluid, microencapsulated phase change slurries (MPCS) can be prepared. These slurries exhibit both excellent thermal energy storage and heat transfer properties. A series of MPCS were prepared for this research and subsequently tested for thermal conductivity and specific heat. Other methods of quantification include DSC, TGA, rheometry, and infrared ...

Author(s): ,