Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: Sensitivity Analysis

Total Papers Found: 5

A small-plane heat source method for measuring the thermal conductivities of anisotropic materials

This study aimed to develop a new method based on the transient plane source (TPS) technique to simultaneously measure the in-plane and across-plane thermal conductivities of anisotropic insulating materials using one experimental test. It was found from the experimental results of the thermal conductivities of the anisotropic silica aerogel samples that both the in-plane thermal conductivity and cross-plane thermal conductivity increased with increasing the ambient temperature. The results demonstrated that ...

Author(s): , , ,

Measurement sensitivity analysis of the transient hot source technique applied to flat and cylindrical samples

Transient plane source (TPS) method is one of the fastest and most accurate ways to measure the thermal properties of smooth, flat samples. This paper aimed to compare the thermal conductivity measurements of several varieties of sensors, especially focusing on the accuracy of sensors used for cylindrical samples. The TPS method measured the thermal conductivity of a one-dimensional finite slab. The TPS sensor had the most accurate results compared to ...

Author(s): , ,

Determining the thermal conductivity of liquids using the transient plane source method. Part I: Establishing transient thermal-fluid constraints

The authors look into problems with accurately measuring thermal conductivity of liquid samples. Among these problems is the onset of natural convection during the measurement of thermal properties, which may lead to skewed values reported after characterization. The effect of natural convection is analyzed numerically for the transient plane source method in order to determine at what time during an analysis the convection causes incorrect output data. The effect of ...

Author(s): ,

A centered hot plate method for measurement of thermal properties of thin insulating materials

The authors present a method for measuring the thermal conductivity and thermal capacity of thin insulating and super-insulating materials. The new method is compared to previously existing methods and elaborates upon why these methods are unacceptable for the measurement of thin insulating materials. The researchers developed a 3D and 1D model in order to aid in the determination of thermal conductivity. The proposed method involved sandwiching a sensor/heater between ...

Author(s): , ,

Thermal conductivity measurement of insulating materials with a three layers device

Outlines the problems with measuring the thermal conductivity of low-density insulating materials and addresses this by proposing a three layer method for the accurate measurement of thermal conductivity. This method involves a sample being placed between two conducting brass plates (one heated via hot plate) and monitoring the temperatures of these two plates as the experiment progresses. Mathematical equations are derived in order to make an accurate model for thermal ...

Author(s): , ,