Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: Sand

Total Papers Found: 2

Thermal Properites of Consolidated Granular Salt as a Backfill Material

This article summarizes thermal properties testing on granular salt that has been consolidated under a wide range of temperature, stress, and moisture conditions. Thermal property measurements were taken on four different sample groups: laboratory-consolidated granular salt using domal and bedded salt types, granular salt that was consolidated in situ, polycrystalline salt cores, and a single crystal of halite. Thermal conductivity was measured with transient plane source method. Results show thermal ...

Author(s): , ,

Preservation of Sand and Building Energy Conservation

Concrete and sand that were replaced by coal bottom ash concrete were analyzed and compared for strength and heat conductivity. Thermal conductivity was measured using an instrument, based on the Transient Plane Source technique. When the samples contained 40% replacement coal, the thermal conductivity value was reduced by 35%, for 60% replacement the thermal conductivity value was reduced by 36.5%, and for 100% replacement, thermal conductivity was reduced further to around 51%....

Author(s): , , ,