Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Thermal properties of high-volume fly ash mortars and concretes

In this study, three series of high-volume fly ash (HVFA) mortars and concretes were studied using the transient plane source (TPS) technique. Each series of sample contained varying weight % of fly ash from 0 to 75%. The three sample sets were prepared by different laboratories and the results were compared. Thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity were measured, and the authors detailed their method of doing this. It was determined that the ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Thermal Conductivity of Metakaolin Geopolymers Used as a First Approximation for Determining Gel Interconnectivity

Using the Transient Plane Source technique, various geopolymers, metakaolin-derived sodium (Na), sodium-potassium (NaK) and potassium (K), were tested to determine the effect of varying environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, on thermal conductivity. The results concluded that the thermal properties of the geopolymers derived from metakaolin are not greatly affected by the Si/Al ratio in the as-cured state. When the sodium geopolymers were tested at 50% relative humidity, the ...

Author(s): , ,