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Recommended Papers for: MWNT

Total Papers Found: 2

An approach to correlate experimental and theoretical thermal conductivity of MWNT/PMMA polymer composites 

This study is investigating how the thermal conductivity of a PMMA polymer filled with multi walled carbon nano tubes (MWNT) changes with temperature, and wt % MWNT. Also, the series, parallel, Lewis/Neilson and empirical formula models were used to quantify how well the measured values correlate with the calculated values. The thermal conductivity was measured with a transient plane source (TPS) method. The thermal conductivity of the polymer increased with ...

Author(s): , , ,

Flame retardancy through carbon nanomaterials: carbon black, multiwall nanotubes, expanded graphite, multi-layer graphene and graphene in polypropylene

This research aims to determine the effect of altering filler particle sizes and shapes, on the thermal and mechanical properties of polypropylene (PP). Fillers such as thermally reduced graphite oxide (TRGO), multi-layer graphene (MLG250), carbon black (CB), multiwalled nanotubes (MWNT) and expanded graphite (EG), were added to the PP base. A thermal analyzer was used to measure the thermal conductivity of the various PP composites. Results determined that the PP ...

Author(s): , , , ,