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Recommended Papers for: multi-walled carbon nanotube

Total Papers Found: 4

Synergistic effect of BN and MWCNT hybrid fillers on thermal conductivity and thermal stability of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene composites with a segregated structure

In efforts to develop polymers possessing high thermal conductivity, ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE)/boron nitride particles (BNp), UHMWPE/BN sheets (BNs), and UHMWPE/(BN+MWCNT) hybrid filler composites were analyzed in this study. Thermal conductivity was measured using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results show that conductive pathways were formed in the composites, increasing both the connection between particles and the thermal conductivity. BNp-filled UHMWPE composites had an overall higher ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Synergistic enhancement of thermal conductivity in composites filled with expanded graphite and multi-walled carbon nanotube fillers via melt-compounding based on polymerizable low-viscosity oligomer matrix

Nano-sized materials with large aspect ratios are found to be effective as second fillers for the formation of 3D thermally conductive networks in polymer composites. In this study, multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) was incorporated as second filler for polymer composites. A thermal analyzer was used to measure thermal conductivity of composites at room temperature. Expanded graphite and MWCNT, as fillers, effectively enhanced thermal conductivity of the composites due to its ...

Author(s): , , ,

Effects of hybrid nanofluid mixture in plate heat exchangers

In this study, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were added to Al2O3/water nanofluids to determine their heat transfer and temperature drop properties compared to water and Al2O3/water nanofluids. A TPS thermal constants analyzer measured the thermal conductivity of the Al2O3/water nanofluids using the transient plane source (TPS) method. The thermal conductivity of Al2O3/water nanofluids was further enhanced with the addition of MWCNTs because ...

Author(s): , ,

Structure and properties of highly oriented polyoxymethylene/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites produced by hot stretching

Using a solid hot stretching technique, highly-oriented polyoxymethyelen (POM)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) composites were created. Thermal properties were analyzed both in the stretched and through-plane directions. Researchers found that by increasing the draw ratio, to as high as 900%, the thermal conductivity of the composite has improved in the stretching direction, when compared to the material prior to this process. Researchers also determined that the thermal conductivity of the MWCNTs ...

Author(s): ,