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Recommended Papers for: Metal foams

Total Papers Found: 2

EMI shielding and thermal conductivity of a high porosity reticular titanium foam

As titanium foams are generally not as widely studied as aluminum foams, the electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding performance and thermal conductivity of a high porosity reticular titanium foam were determined to further study the performance of titanium foams. From the experimental results, the samples had better electromagnetic shielding performances at low frequencies effectiveness and the thermal conductivity showed a decreasing trend when the porosity of the samples were increased....

Author(s): , , , ,

Effective thermal conductivity of sintered metal foams: experiments and a model proposal

It is important that porous metal foams used in gas turbines do not exceed their upper temperature threshold. In this paper, the Transient Plane Source (TPS) technique was used to measure the thermal conductivity of metal foams up to 1000 °C. Results showed that the thermal conductivity values for porous metal foams were lower than dense metals by a factor of 20-40....

Author(s): , , ,