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Recommended Papers for: laser sintering

Total Papers Found: 2

Thermal characterization of laser sintering of nylon-12

To improve the overall product and thermal characteristics of laser sintering of nylon-12, the transient plane source (TPS) method was used to measure the thermal conductivity of nylon-12 powder. The spiral nickel sensor of was sandwiched between the samples of nylon-12 powder packed at 0.547 g/cc, and as the temperature of the sample rose from 40 °C to 170 °C, the thermal conductivity increased linearly. Knowing these trends will help to make ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Thermal conductivity of polyamide 12 powder for use in laser sintering

In order to better understand how the laser sintering process affects polyamide 12 powder, the authors measured the thermal conductivity of polyamide 12 powder at various densities and conditions. The investigations determined that thermal conductivity of polyamide 12 powder is influenced by temperature and density. The researchers hope to improve the thermal control in laser sintering processes....

Author(s): , , , ,