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Recommended Papers for: Heat transfer enhancement

Total Papers Found: 4

Enhancement of Heat Transfer Coefficient using Fe₂O₃-Water Nanofluids

A detailed development of a local heat transfer probe specifically designed for analyzing nanofluids. In this paper iron oxide is used as a test subject to determine the accuracy of the probe. Different concentrations were measured ranging between 0 and 0.09% by volume. Thermal conductivity is also measured by a TLS-100 instrument, based on the transient line source. It is shown that the heat ...

Author(s): , ,

Review of latent heat thermal energy storage for improved material stability and effective load management

This article reviewed the use of phase change materials (PCM) as thermal energy storages (TES) as they can be used to substitute large-scale energy demand and assist both economically and environmentally. The thermophysical properties of different phase change materials were studied to assess their viability for thermal storage systems. One of their most common problems with using PCMs is their poor heat transfer rates. This was seen when the transient ...

Author(s): , ,

Selection principles and thermophysical properties of high temperature phase change materials for thermal energy storage: A review

This article examined the capacity of phase change materials (PCM) to act as phase change thermal energy storages (TES). The review also investigated the thermophysical properties of high temperature PCMs, which can be used as a reference for the design of high temperature phase change TES systems. The transient plane source (TPS) technique was used, among others, to determine the thermal conductivity of the PCMs. It was noted that there ...

Author(s): , , , , , ,

Heat transfer enhancement of Al2O3-H2O nanofluids flowing through a micro heat sink with complex structure

Nanofluids are used in heat sink applications to improve the rate of heat dissipation and reduce temperature gradients in electronics. This study specifically examined the thermal properties of Al2O3-H2O nanofluids used in micro heat sinks. An instrument measured the thermal conductivity of the Al2O3-H2O nanofluids using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that, as expected, thermal conductivity increased with the concentration of ...

Author(s): , , ,