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Recommended Papers for: electrically insulating material

Total Papers Found: 2

Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Thin Samples of Electrically Insulating Materials

This work introduces a specifically designed sensor to measure the thermal conductivity of thin, insulating materials. This sensor, referred to as the hot square sensor, is unlike the standard sensors, in the sense that it is square in nature, and does not have two, thin layers of Kapton insulation on either side of the thin, metal heating spiral. The lack of Kapton allows a good thermal contact between the sample ...


Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Thin Samples of Electrically Insulating Materials

Thermal transport properties were measured with the Thermal Constants Analyser. Various parameters were set in place during the experiment including output of power, temperature, and heat flow. Measurements took place on sheets of insulating materials with specialized sensors as this is an importance when measuring thermal conductivity....
