Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Glass Board (NIST 1450C, 1450D and 1450E)

The Heat Flow Meter (HFM-25) for testing thermal resistance and thermal conductivity of insulation and construction materials. Offering the testing power of a full-size heat flow meter, optimized for small insulation samples and budget. The HFM-25 is controlled by the included HFM Software, offering automation of calibration, testing, and results summary functions.


Picture 1. Thermtest 25 Series Heat Flow Meter.

Following international standards, the HFM-25 is designed for testing both homogenous and heterogenous materials from 0.01 to 0.5 W/m·K, and complies with ASTM C518. The HFM-25 allows for smaller sample sizes which are representative of materials typically found in insulation and construction industries. With an accuracy of 5% and reproducibility of 2%, the Thermtest 25 Series Heat Flow Meter is an excellent instrument for measuring the thermal conductivity of a variety of samples.

Sample Configuration

For small samples (min 50 x 50 mm), samples can easily be arranged for simple testing.

a 50 x 50 mm piece of NIST 1450D

Picture 2. 50 x 50 mm piece of NIST 1450D

For larger samples (no maximum), samples can conveniently be measured at a specific location.

300 x 300 mm piece of NIST 1450D

Picture 3. 300 x 300 mm piece of NIST 1450D

Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Glass Board (NIST 1450C, 1450D and 1450E)

In this experiment, the thermal conductivity of reference materials NIST 1450C, 1450D and 1450E was measured with the HFM-25. NIST 1450 is a generational reference material, currently offered in batch “E”.

NIST 1450 is a high-density fibrous glass board. The steady-state method that the HFM utilizes is quite appropriate to analyze this type of material, due to its highly organized fibers through the thickness of the sample. In this case, the dimensions of the sample were 300x300x25mm.

Set up of the NIST1450D sample in the Thermtest HFM-25.

Picture 4. Set up of the NIST1450D sample in the Thermtest HFM-25.

Table 1:Thermal conductivity measurements with the Thermtest HFM-25 at 20 °C.

NIST 1450 Batch Measured Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Certified Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Percentage Difference (%)
C 0.0328 0.0330 0.6
D 0.0330 0.0329 0.3
E 0.0325 0.0322 0.9


  1. HFM-25 was calibrated with NIST 1450D at a mean temperature of 25℃
  2. Upper plate temperature: 35℃. Lower plate temperature: 15℃

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