Join us at the International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC) and the International Thermal Expansion Symposium (ITES).

John P. Moore

16th International Thermal Conductivity Conference Award Winner 1979

Born and raised in Wylam, Alabama, John Moore specialized in the development of techniques to accurately measure thermal conductivity on numerous metals and alloys over a wide range of temperatures. Moore graduated from Auburn University with a MS degree for his thesis work on the effect of specimen size on electrical conductivity of noble metals at low temperatures. As a student, he worked on the development of specialized instrumentation at Oak Ridge Gaseous Properties Group, before returning to the Physical Properties Group of the Metals and Ceramics Division after graduating. Beyond his career, Moore co-authored a book chapter with David McElroy about various radial heat flow techniques and developed and researched advanced techniques for isotope enrichment. Moore managed the Radioisotope Power Systems program at ORNL, developing electrical hardware instrumental to powering the Cassini spacecraft on it’s journey to and around the planet Saturn.


Published Proceedings of the 16th ITCC:

International Conference on Thermal Conductivity, 16th, Larsen, D.C. (1982). Thermal conductivity 16. New York: Plenum Press.


Most Cited Works by John Moore:

  1. Fulkerson, W., Moore, J.P., Williams, R.K., Graves, R.S., McElroy, D.L. 1968. Thermal Conductivity, Electrical Resistivity, and Seebeck Coefficient of Silicon from 100 to 1300K. Physical Review, 167 (765).
  2. Moore, J.P., Graves, R.S. 1973. Absolute Seebeck coefficient of platinum from 80 to 340K and the thermal and electrical conductivities of lead from 80 to 400K. Journal of Applied Physics, 44(3).
  3. Fulkerson, W., Moore, J.P., McElroy, D.L. 1966. Comparison of the Thermal Conductivity, Electrical Resistivity, and Seebeck Coefficient of a High-Purity Iron and an Armco Iron to 1000C. Journal of Applied Physics, 37(7).

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