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Recommended Papers for: Yi-Yan Zou

Total Papers Found: 1

Effects of Reaction Temperature on Thermoelectric Properties of p-Type Nanostructured Bi2−x Sb x Te3 Prepared Using Hydrothermal Method and Evacuated-and-Encapsulated Sintering

Bi2-xSbxTe3 thermoelectric materials, where x = 1.52 and 1.55 were prepared and evaluated for their thermoelectric properties. Three samples in total were prepared, two with x = 1.52 and 1.55 were synthesized at 140oC and one with x = 1.55 was synthesized at 160 oC. It was determined that the two samples synthesized at the higher temperature had lower resistivity than that which was synthesized at higher temperature. The figure of merit for the sample synthesized at 140oC, ...

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