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Recommended Papers for: T. Tsuji

Total Papers Found: 4

Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Hydrate Sediment Sample

This conference paper describes extensive investigations performed on sediment cores containing methane hydrates recovered from beneath the sea floor. Great care was taken to perform thermal conductivity measurements at similar temperature and pressure to the natural conditions that these hydrates develop and are deposited in. Measurements were taken with the samples under both water saturated and gas saturated conditions. Thermal conductivity values obtained from both conditions at temperatures over the ...

Author(s): , , , , , ,

Estimation of Thermal Properties of Methane Hydrate Sediment

The thermal conductivity of hydrate-layer sediment recovered from a location near Japan was measured at temperatures ranging from 263-283 K, and at a pressure of 0.1 MPa. The thermal conductivity of Toyoura standard sand as a comparison. The thermal conductivity of the methane hydrate-bearing sediment was found to be lower than that of the standard sand at the same temperature. These samples were then measured at conditions similar to those below ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Artificial Hydrate Sediment Sample

Methane Hydrates have the potential to be a significant energy source as they contain large amounts of methane gas. Large reserves exist in deep sea sediments, and work is being performed to better understand physical characteristics of these sediments. In this article, artificial methane hydrate sediments were created by mixing synthesized hydrate powder with "Toyoura Standard Sand". The thermal conductivity of these samples were then investigated at both atmospheric and ...

Author(s): , , , , , ,

Thermal properties of methane hydrate-bearing sediments and surrounding mud recovered from Nankai Trough wells

Thermal properties of methane hydrate-bearing sediment samples taken from the Nankai Trough, Japan were investigated using the transient plane source method. It was determined that the thermal conductivity of these sediment samples decreased with increasing porosity, but increased with increasing methane hydrate saturation. The thermal diffusivity of the samples increased slightly with increasing porosity, but was almost independent of methane hydrate saturation. It was also found that the specific heat ...

Author(s): , , , , ,