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Recommended Papers for: Raheb Mirzanamadi

Total Papers Found: 2

Thermal properties of asphalt concrete: A numerical and experimental study

Asphalt concrete must often endure a range of different weather conditions, and its thermal conductivity is affected by these changes. Using the Finite Element Method (FEM), this paper develops a two-dimensional numerical model used to study and predict environmental effects and validates it through experimental results from the transient plane source method. It was also shown that an increase in the ratio of the TPS sensor size to the maximum ...

Author(s): , ,

Hydronic Pavement Heating for Sustainable Ice-Free Roads

Hydronic Pavement (HP) is a potential alternative method of spreading sand and salt on slippery road surfaces through embedded pipes that circulate brine, oils, or glycol-water. The present study analyzes the thermal properties involved in designing a HP system. The transient plane source method was used to analyze thermal properties of asphalt with various sensor sizes. Results showed that thermal conductivity varied around 6-14% based on the different depths of ...

Author(s): , ,