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Recommended Papers for: K. Gharagozloo-Hubmann

Total Papers Found: 2

Thermal interface materials based on carbon nanotubes and their thermal characterization

The effects of using different fillers and the effects of filler content and particle size on the thermal properties of thermal interface materials were investigated. The most prominent enhancement in thermal conductivity was observed for samples containing carbon nanotubes and graphite. The filler particle size was also found to significantly affect the thermal conductivity, as smaller fillers resulted in a higher thermal conductivity. The article also describes two sample holders ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Carbon nanotubes based engineering materials for thermal management applications

As nanotechnology becomes increasingly important, researchers are investigating methods to decrease the size of electronics. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have potential applications in nanoelectronics because of their high thermal conductivity and miniscule size. This study had many focuses, but a TPS used the transient plane source method to specifically measure the thermal conductivities of CNT-fabricated thermal pastes. Results showed that the thermal conductivities varied depending on filler content, but were comparable ...

Author(s): , , ,