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Recommended Papers for: H. S. Tekce

Total Papers Found: 2

Evaluation of thermophysical properties of thermal conductive polymer composites

Thermal characteristics of polymer composites are similar to the properties of metal, with the mechanical properties being similar to plastics. Thermal conductivity of a polymer composite depends on geometry of the filler, and interaction and dispersal of the filler within the polymer matrix. In this study, thermal conductivity of copper and Al₂O₃ filled polymer composites were investigated. A Thermal Constant Analyzer was used to measure thermal conductivity of the ...


Effect of Particle Shape on Thermal Conductivity of Copper Reinforced Polymer Composites

In this article, researchers studied the effect of particle shape on the thermal conductivity of copper reinforced polymer composites. Short-fiber shaped polyamide composites with filler content ranging from 0 to 30 % were measured, alongside of polyamides containing 0 to 60 % filler, shaped as spheres and plates. When the filler content is low, particles are not interacting with each other, and therefore the thermal conductivity is low. As the filler percentage increases to 10%, an immediate ...

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