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Recommended Papers for: F. Yu

Total Papers Found: 2

Effective Thermal Conductivity of Moist Porous Sintered Nickel Material

In this article, the thermal conductivity of porous sintered nickel material, filled with water, ethanediol, and glycerin was measured using a transient plane source method. As a note, the thermal performance of the loop heat pipes, is greatly affected by the effective thermal conductivity of the capillary structures. The results were compared with stated literature results and they indicated that the thermal conductivity of the porous material is heavily dependent ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Thermal Conductivity of AlN-Ethanol Nanofluids

Using magnetic striation and ultrasonic agitation, aluminum nitride particles were dispersed into ethanol. The method was used to measure the thermal conductivities of these aluminum nitride-ethanol nanofluids. Results show about 20 % increase in the thermal conductivity of ethanol and a strong temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity....

Author(s): , , ,