Announcement: Thermal Conductivity Testing Blog Articles

Announcement: Thermal Conductivity Testing Blog Articles

July 27, 2015

This week, Thermtest will be starting a new blog series designed to showcase the versatility and ability of the transient plane source (TPS) instrument to perform accurate and precise measurements on a variety of materials. This blog series will involve the thermal characterization of different commercially available materials, providing information on thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat. A brief article containing an introduction, experimental considerations, results, and a discussion will be written for each series of material tested and posted to our blog.

Upcoming material series for thermal conductivity testing include:

  • Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) powder of varying particle size
  • Silicon carbide (SiC) powder of varying particle size
  • Single-sided measurements on high temperature plastics including PTFE Teflon, PFA, and PVDF among others
  • Polyurethane boards of different densities


Stay tuned for the first article to be posted later this week!

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